Drill Pipe Sales

We are proud to offer only the very best quality Drill Pipe on the market, including new, surplus, and used tubulars. Our products consist of only the top 5% of oil and gas Drill Pipes, so you know you’re only receiving the best pipes available. We search the globe to secure the best Drill Pipe, leveraging our extensive network to secure first class surplus. If you’re searching for Drill Pipes that we don’t have in stock, we will locate it for you. Additionally, if you’re not quite sure which Drill Pipe configuration would suit your current project best, our team has the technical expertise to help you make a well-informed decision.

We house all our tubular inventory in Houston, Texas, USA, but we have the logistical experience and capabilities to ship Drill Pipe anywhere in the world. Your experience with MPT will be characterized by the most responsive and personalized service, allowing you to focus on the needs of your business. We have an extremely disciplined and comprehensive due diligence process to ensure our products are only the very best, giving you complete peace of mind. At the end of the day, we treat every customer with the utmost respect and loyalty, creating lifelong relationships that extend far beyond business.


“We treat every customer with the utmost respect and loyalty, creating lifelong relationships that extend far beyond business.”

— Chris Po – MPT Principal